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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
As colleges and universities face increasing challenges around funding and cost-effectiveness, online learning is often suggested as a possible cost saving measure. At the same time, it is seen as imperative that online courses maintain or even increase the quality of teaching and learning outcomes, as well as provide enhanced access and flexibility for students. Can Quality and Cost Savings be achieved simultaneously?
Through an investigation of current practices in the field, especially those in the U.S., we have found numerous successful strategies and some interesting possibilities for cost savings and cost effectiveness through online learning.
Costing Considerations for Hybrid and Online Courses
Investment in online learning will pay off to the extent that it extends accessibility, enhances or at least matches the quality of learning outcomes of face-to-face teaching, and is more cost-efficient in the long-term because of reduced delivery costs.
Online Learning as a Possible Cost Saving Measure: What Canadian Researchers Tell Us
The research compiled here does not provide any definitive answers on cost savings – instead it stresses the complexity of the issues involved and offers some models, strategies, and considerations to guide an institutional planning and analysis approach.
How to Assess the Costs of Online Learning in Post-secondary Education
As your college and university moves to increase its online learning offerings, you ask yourself the inevitable question “How do we assess the costs as part of our planning”?
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