This valuable collection of materials from a variety of authors provides real insights that are helpful in designing a new course – it is a book you can dip into over and over again.
Chris Jones, for examples, challenges all of us to think about the foundational issues that should inform our design using social science and psychology, while Marti Cleveland-Innes explores the whole idea behind building a community of inquiry as the basis for peer-to-peer learning.
There are also some helpful chapters which explore the ways in which educators can leverage our experience and practice as the basis for new designs. It’s a great collection, very much improved in this third edition – new cases, new resources, new connections. Full of examples, the book challenges us to refresh our understanding of pedagogy for a generation of students who both want to succeed and are time-starved. It’s a book you need to have close if you want to engage in serious reflection about teaching and design.
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