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In recent years, the White House and other key stakeholders have raised concerns about both the effectiveness of higher education in meeting the needs of students and employers, as well as the increasing cost of higher education for students. Stakeholders are calling for new, innovative approaches to address these concerns. Competency-based higher education, which reorients programs to focus on mastery of competencies rather than time in the classroom, has risen as one potential solution to concerns about effectiveness and cost. This report describes the landscape for competency-based education in Texas, documenting six institutions that currently offer these programs and recent efforts of the state to support them. To describe programs in Texas, a review of relevant documents and web pages took place and interviews were conducted with program administrators, a sample of students enrolled in one of the programs, and a state policy-maker. Findings show that the programs in Texas are similar across many areas, such as flexible calendars, student-driven learning, and assessment-based progression through courses. Differences in a few areas include tuition structure, student population, and faculty roles. Students interviewed remarked on positive experiences with competency-based education: the program's low cost, convenience and flexibility, ability to move more quickly through courses, and applied focus. Reviews were also conducted of available literature, placing the Texas experience in the context of the national competency-based higher-education movement. Based on the experiences of the Texas programs and the literature on the national landscape, the report highlights common challenges and some lessons learned.
Daughtery, L., Davis, L.V. & Miller, T. (2015). Competency-based education programs in texas: An innovative approach to higher education. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
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