Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Though focused on compulsory school systems, this book is highly relevant to all who work in schools, colleges and universities. It is a collection of papers from around the world offering a radical and critical analysis of current developments in both assessment (especially high-stakes testing, but also the use of testing for assessment generally), analytics and the deployment of technology-enabled learning. Great contributions by some leading scholars here - Sam Sellar, Ben Williamson, David Rutowski, Greg Thompson, Anna Hogan - it is strongly focused on the dynamics and tensions associated with digital transformation.
Wyatt-Smith, C., Lingard, B. & Heck, E. (2021). Digital disruption in teaching and testing - Assessments, big data and the transformation. London: Routledge.
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