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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Though focused on K-12 and the United States, Sam Abrams' insightful book looks at the spread of the idea that private sector thinking should inform public education policy. This kind of thinking has led to a global education reform movement (GERM), which has infected all areas of public policy, including higher education, in many parts of the world. While Canada's post-secondary sector has only a small number of private players, policy making is informed by notions of markets, competition, entrepreneurial delivery and other commercial constructs. This book is worth the read. Carefully researched and full of insights, Sam Abrams has done a masterful job of deconstructing this thinking and showing its weaknesses. He also suggests all public policy makers need to learn from these developments so as to better enable public education.
Abrams, S. (2016). Education and the commercial mindset. Boston: Harvard University Press.
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Contact North | Contact Nord souligne avec respect que son travail, et celui de ses partenaires communautaires, se déroule sur des territoires autochtones traditionnels à travers la province.
Nous sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir travailler et vivre dans ces territoires. Nous remercions les Premières nations, les Métis et les Inuits qui prennent soin de ces territoires depuis des temps immémoriaux et qui continuent de contribuer à la force de l’Ontario et des collectivités de la province.