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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Predictive analytics and the use of analytics for systematic improvement in recruitment, retention, student support and learning design is a growing focus for many in higher education. Two reports published early in 2017 suggest that, while the prospects for the use of analytics are significant, adoption is currently modest. This book explains why. Implementation, as in all significant change, requires process redesign and the re-imagination of key roles in the college or university. It is an edited collection, written by practitioners as well as "imagineers". It is well written, accessible and informative. There are excellent contributions by Paul Prinsloo and Sharon Slade, Matt Hora, Jennifer DeBoer and Lori Breslow. It's a book that will help readers think this opportunity through, warts and all.
Lester, J., Klein, C., Johari, A. & Rangwala, H. (Eds.). (2018). Learning analytics in higher education - Current innovations, future potential, and practical applications. London: Routledge.
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