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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
This book explains the interaction between artificial intelligence and higher education, with a focus on both the current and future state of colleges and universities. It explores AI’s tangible and intangible impact on higher education and scientific research, and discusses how developments can enhance the progress of AI technologies and overcome some of their weaknesses. Based on systematic analysis and a multidisciplinary approach, the book brings original perspectives based on developments and deployments of AI since the appearance of COVID-19. This book also discusses ethics, considering the recommendation on ethics of artificial intelligence adopted by UNESCO. This book explains the importance of technological sovereignty and new strategies to face current and future challenges related to e-learning, deep learning and machine learning. There is a strong practical basis to this book, which is also grounded in theory.
Roumate, F. [Ed]. (2023). Artificial intelligence in higher education and scientific research: future development. Singapore: Springer
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