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Rapid technological advances in recent decades have already brought about substantial changes in education, opening up new opportunities to teach and learn anywhere, anytime, with new tools and methods to improve learning outcomes and support innovative teaching and learning. Research into artificial intelligence and machine learning in education goes back to the late 1970s. AI methods were generally employed in two ways: to design and facilitate interactive learning environments that would support learning by doing and to design and implement tutoring systems by adapting instructions with respect to the student’s knowledge. But this is just the beginning. AI is increasingly used in education and learning contexts. The collision of three areas — data, computation and education — is set to have far-reaching consequences, raising fundamental questions about the nature of education: what is taught and how it is taught. This book is an important if at times disturbing contribution to the debate on AI. It provides a detailed analysis of how AI may affect the ways in which teachers and students engage in learning. The enormous ethical, technical and pedagogical challenges ahead are spelled out, and there is a real risk that rapid advances in AI products and services will outstrip education systems’ capacity to understand, manage and integrate them appropriately. Clearly written by passionate teachers and researchers, the book is a good read for those new to AI in education.
Fadel, C., Holmes, W. and Bialik, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence in education: promises and implications for teaching and learning. Independently Published.
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