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In the context of the need to find alternatives to traditional face-to-face teaching and learning during the pandemic, the authors examine the best use of technologies in many areas of study in higher education while also documenting the limitations. The book addresses the growing role of AI in the digital transformation in higher education systems, looking at models of teaching and learning. The authors also look at using digital technologies to create smart(er) universities and the use of blockchain and IoT technologies in higher education.
With chapters from eminent professors, researchers and others involved in higher education from various countries, the peer-reviewed chapters in this volume highlight how educators, administrators and students have embraced these new technologies and how they can be continued and enhanced even after the threat of COVID-19 has passed and in preparation for new deadly pandemics.
Pani, S.K., Muduli, K., Jana, S.K., Bathula, S., and Khan, G.S. (2023). Advancements in artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and IoT in higher education mitigating the impact of COVID-19. Palm Bay, FL: Apple Academic Press.
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