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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
This second edition of the guide is a comprehensive, valuable resource for educators seeking to deepen their understanding of distance learning and its application in teacher training. Drawing on extensive research, program reports and their own expertise, the author presents updated insights and practical knowledge. What sets this guide apart is its inclusive approach, covering various modes of distance learning from traditional print-based methods to cutting-edge mobile learning. By exploring the potential of different tools and technologies, the guide emphasizes the importance of designing learning experiences that meet the unique needs of teachers. It emphasizes the importance of inclusive approaches, defines key terms and advocates for standardized practices. A must-read for educators seeking to leverage technology in distance education.
Burns, M. (2023). Distance Education for Teacher Training: Modes, Models and Methods. (2nd Edition). Washington, DC: Education Development Center.
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