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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
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Online, open and flexible education is gathering increased attention around the world and in international meetings. Organizations such as the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and UNESCO have organized conferences, meetings, and High Level Policy Forums where the roles and contributions of online learning have been discussed and action plans developed. These plans have been conceived in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 recently passed by the United Nations.
The reports below outline serveral areas of public policy and the potential and current contributions of online learning, on an international scale, to increase access to quality learning, enable flexibility for learners, lower costs of higher education and a way of enabling collaboration between institutions.
Policy makers need to take a nuanced approach, recognizing that different kinds of online learning need different kinds of policy support, regulation and evaluation.
One hundred and thirty leaders from higher education, governments, non- governmental organizations and other associations gathered to identify how to turn online, open and flexible education’s potential contribution to sustainable development into action.
Higher Education for the Sustainable Future We Want: A Call for Action
We need to develop and implement imaginative responses to the question: How can online, open and flexible learning support sustainable education and the Sustainable Development Goals?
Building an International Consensus towards the United Nations
Among the recommended Sustainable Development Goals is: “Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”.
Reconnaissance du territoire autochtone
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