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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Contact North | Contact Nord presents a new series, Ten Facts You Need to Know, which showcases key concepts in online learning in an easy to digest format, offering ten key insights on each topic in the series. Each insight is supplemented with links to resources, which discuss, extend and apply the core ideas.
Trained to learn what humans mean when they ask a question, ChatGPT may be the most impactful tool since the modern search engine.
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Confused about what’s what in the virtual world? If so, you’re certainly not alone.
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Micro-Credentials
There is no absolute definition for micro-credentials in Canada or anywhere else, in terms of period of study, range of content or specific forms of assessment. These components are, however, widely recognized as key characteristics of micro-credentials:
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Zoom
Zoom is fast becoming an online teaching platform. This snapshot provides a look at the different uses and benefits of using Zoom in educational settings.
Ten Facts About Open Digital Badges
What are badges? Who provides them? How do you get them? What do they represent?
What is a Blockchain? How are they relevant to education? How could they become utilized in education?
Ten Facts About Artificial Intelligence
What is AI? How is it being utilized in education? How can it be utilized in education? What challenges does AI pose for education?
Ten Facts About Learning Analytics
What are learning analytics? How does learning analytics support students, teachers, programs and institutions? What are some challenges posed by learning analytics?
Ten Facts About Open Educational Resources (OERs)
OERs encompass a wide range of materials, including textbooks, syllabi, lecture notes, learning modules, videos, and multimedia applications.
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Blended Learning
What is blended learning? How does it work? How does it affect students, faculty and institutions? What are the challenges and opportunities posed by blended learning in the future?
Reconnaissance du territoire autochtone
Contact North | Contact Nord reconnaît et respecte que son travail, ainsi que celui de ses partenaires communautaires, se déroule sur les territoires traditionnels des peuples autochtones à travers l’Ontario.