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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
This commons licensed book is a substantial contribution to our understanding of self-directed learning and its place in the panoply of learning activities. Strongly focused on what is happening in South Africa, the book is relevant to all who are exploring boundaries of our current practices and are seeking to transform both how we think about learning and our practices in colleges and universities. Well written (and scholarly), there is a strong focus on community of inquiry framework for design and approaches to adaptive learning. The book will be of interest to researchers looking at the future of self-directed learning and to futurists exploring the future of colleges, universities and lifelong learning.
Olivier, J. (Ed.). (2020). Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education. Cape Town, SA: AOISIS
Reconnaissance du territoire autochtone
Contact North | Contact Nord souligne avec respect que son travail, et celui de ses partenaires communautaires, se déroule sur des territoires autochtones traditionnels à travers la province.
Nous sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir travailler et vivre dans ces territoires. Nous remercions les Premières nations, les Métis et les Inuits qui prennent soin de ces territoires depuis des temps immémoriaux et qui continuent de contribuer à la force de l’Ontario et des collectivités de la province.