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Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
Plus de 524 000 visiteuses et visiteurs par an!
The Elements of Instruction provides a common vocabulary and conceptual scheme of teaching and learning that is fully applicable to all forms of instruction in our digital-centric era. This critical examination of educational technology's contemporary semantics and constructs fills a major gap in the logical foundations of instruction, with special attention to the patterns of communication among facilitators, learners, and resources. The book proposes a new framework for organizing research and theory, clear concepts and definitions for its basic elements, and a new typology of teaching-learning arrangements to simplify the selection of optimal conditions for a variety of learning goals. As trends in media, technology, and methodology continue to evolve, these historically contextual, back-to-basics pedagogical tools will be invaluable to all instructional designers and educational researchers.
Molenda, M.H. & Subramony, D.P. (2020). The elements of instruction: A framework for the age of emerging technologies. New York: Routledge.
Reconnaissance du territoire autochtone
Contact North | Contact Nord souligne avec respect que son travail, et celui de ses partenaires communautaires, se déroule sur des territoires autochtones traditionnels à travers la province.
Nous sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir travailler et vivre dans ces territoires. Nous remercions les Premières nations, les Métis et les Inuits qui prennent soin de ces territoires depuis des temps immémoriaux et qui continuent de contribuer à la force de l’Ontario et des collectivités de la province.