Cerbin, B. (2011). Lesson Study: Using Classroom Inquiry to Improve Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
As blended learning grows, there is a need to re-design the notion of "the lesson". This is the book to explore since it is about lesson study for higher education based on the idea that the best setting in which to examine teaching is where it takes place on a daily basis - the lecture hall, seminar room, studio, lab, and the online classroom management system. Lesson study involves several instructors jointly designing, teaching, studying, and refining an individual class lesson in order to explore student learning problems, observe how students learn, and analyze how their instruction affects student learning and thinking.
The primary purpose is to help teachers better understand how to support student learning and thinking. By observing how students learn through lesson study, instructors can improve their own teaching and build knowledge that can be used by other teachers to improve their practice.