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Technology has long been changing the world and most recently reshaping the education sector and remodelling teaching.
From simulation to artificial intelligence (AI), initiatives are currently underway in creating digitally capable classrooms that promote digital age learning across the globe. But how exactly is (or not) technology transforming education? Read the articles below to find out.
Teaching with Video in a Digital Age
As a pioneer and prominent scholar in online and blended learning, Contact North | Contact Nord Research Associate Dr. Tony Bates has worked with more than 40 organizations in 25 countries and is the author of 11 books.
What's Next for AR/VR and Immersive Learning
Engaging learners by connecting them to a vivid, multisensory and powerful real-time virtual experience is an effective way to develop knowledge and skills.
Leveraging ChatGPT Instead of Banning
Five Ways Faculty Can Help Students Use ChatGPT Productively
When ChatGPT Makes It Easier to Cheat
Academic misconduct is a growing problem in higher education.
12 principes d’excellence pour l’utilisation efficace des technologies d’apprentissage
Mes études sur l’efficacité des technologies d’apprentissage remontent à 50 ans.
12 Golden Principles for Effectively Using Learning Technologies
It’s 50 years since I started researching the effectiveness of learning technologies. Over that time, I have gradually come to define a set of key principles in their use that have outlasted the many changes in technology, and the fewer changes
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Confused about what’s what in the virtual world? If so, you’re certainly not alone.
10 Steps to Ensure Your Analytics on At-Risk Students Get It Right
Analytics can be a powerful tool to identify students at-risk of failing or dropping out. But sometimes analytics gets it wrong, and if used in inappropriate ways, can be very harmful to both the student and the institution.
Enough of the Transformation Mantra!
The idea that technology can be the basis of disruptive innovation owes a lot to the thinking of Clayton Christensen, a Harvard business school professor who worked extensively to better understand the nature of innovation as a socio-economic process.
Chatbots as “Always Available Tutor” The New World of 24/7 On Demand Learning Support for Students
When Georgia Tech Professor Ashok Goel told 400 students in the Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence course at the School of Interactive Computing that his teaching assistant was Jill Watson, they quickly discovered that not only did Jill never seem to
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Micro-Credentials
There is no absolute definition for micro-credentials in Canada or anywhere else, in terms of period of study, range of content or specific forms of assessment. These components are, however, widely recognized as key characteristics of micro-credentials:
HYPE! Myths and Realities of Educational Technology
Ten Guiding Principles for the Use of Technology in Learning
The following ten principles are intended to provide a (far from definitive!) guide for reflecting on the purpose and use of technology in learning.
Ten Facts You Need to Know About Zoom
Zoom is fast becoming an online teaching platform. This snapshot provides a look at the different uses and benefits of using Zoom in educational settings.
How to Keep Zoom Classes Secure and Private
Many educators are now expressing concern about the privacy and security of using Zoom. But what are the risks and what can we do to mitigate them?
Ten Facts About Open Digital Badges
What are badges? Who provides them? How do you get them? What do they represent?
What is a Blockchain? How are they relevant to education? How could they become utilized in education?
Ten Facts About Artificial Intelligence
What is AI? How is it being utilized in education? How can it be utilized in education? What challenges does AI pose for education?
20 examples of professors, instructors and researchers who have tested artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning, recording what worked and what did not.
Ten Facts About Learning Analytics
What are learning analytics? How does learning analytics support students, teachers, programs and institutions? What are some challenges posed by learning analytics?
There is no suggestion here that big data is not helpful. It can be. But it can also be misleading. Big and Small data will reveal far more opportunities for change which will reach into classrooms and affect teaching and learning.
As analytic systems are getting increasingly sophisticated, administrators, faculty and instructors want to explore the ways in which they can use analytic systems to support their work.
Sources of Big Data to Support Post-Secondary Education, with Some Cautions
What type of data constitutes “big data” in higher education? What are the sources, current and potential, of this data and what concerns does it raise?
Three Pillars of Educational Technology
This three-part series on educational technology explores the learning management system (LMS), social media, and personal learning environments – and how they might best be used for enhanced teaching and learning.
This first instalment looks at the ubiquitous learning management system to undercover the many ways this multi-functional tool is used to support teaching and learning, as well as some of the challenges.
In this second instalment, a variety of social media and networking applications are explored to highlight their strengths and limitations
This final instalment looks at the expanding uses of personal learning environments by students and faculty
Mobile learning s rapidly developing, especially given the emergence of low cost virtual reality technologies (3600 cameras and virtual reality enabled smartphones, headsets for virtual reality). Several developments are anticipated in the future.
Web Conferencing - Key Market Trends for Higher Education
Web conferencing continues to grow, with all application categories continuing to expand their user bases. Market trends indicate an increasing adoption of social and mobile functionality, in keeping with general educational technology trends.
The Bewildering Language of Online Learning!
Let’s look at the language of online and flexible learning and help understand what is being said when key terms are being used.
Learning and the World of “Apps”
Most important for higher education is the reality that with a learning app, a student can learn anywhere and anytime, often even without Internet connections.
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2024
Over 2,500 learning professionals from around the world from both education and enterprises contributed to the 13th Annual Survey of Learning Tools.
The Apple Watch as an Online Learning Tool?
So before you dismiss the Apple Watch as just another gimmick, ask yourself: how can we use these devices to support effective learning? Others are already asking this question and finding useful answers.
Mobile learning for apprenticeship, college and university courses enables students to connect to each other, to course materials and to their instructors anytime, anywhere, as well as to engage in real-time classroom-like activities using video and audio
How Emerging Pedagogies Map onto the New Technologies
The effective implementation of online learning requires you to consider your view of the nature of knowledge, what you believe constitutes effective teaching, how you apply these beliefs to your discipline
Planning for Effective Teaching with Technology
From his research and online teaching experience, Dr. Tony Bates provides sound guidance for faculty interested in teaching with technology through the following seven points.
How to Use Videoconferencing for Effective Teaching
How to encourage preparation, participation and engagement through video learning.
Reconnaissance du territoire autochtone
Contact North | Contact Nord reconnaît et respecte que son travail, ainsi que celui de ses partenaires communautaires, se déroule sur les territoires traditionnels des peuples autochtones à travers l’Ontario.