The emergence of artificial intelligence in the mid-1950s has captured the imagination of many and has also raised concerns about the future of assessment and job losses due to “robot teachers”. However, the current and emerging state of AI provides an opportunity to reimagine the way we teach, engage students in the learning process and rethink assessment.
Rather than focusing solely on facilitating and verifying the transfer of information, we can focus on enabling critical, analytic, engaged and connected learners to pursue their interests and passions and develop the skills they need for the work they want to do. With the use of digital assistants such as ChatGPT, Genei, and Microsoft’s Co-Pilot, we can design and implement more effective, efficient learning experiences and assessment activities that promote higher-order thinking skills and authentic learning.
In this engaging and interactive presentation, participants are introduced to the benefits of using AI to support learning designs, and the importance of designing authentic and productive assessment activities to promote deep learning. Participants also learn about the potential of AI to enhance teaching and assessment practices and how to leverage its capabilities to do more faster and with greater connectedness than ever before.
Key takeaways:
This webinar will help you to:
- Understand different kinds of AI and how AI is embedded in many aspects of our life.
- Understand the opportunities for reimaging our work afforded by AI.
- Become acutely aware of the limitations of AI deployments and the ethical, legal and “systems” concerns about AI.
- Understand the need to rethink learning designs and assessments to make the best use of available AI technologies.