The purpose of IJIOE is to explore the blue-sky question: What innovations does online learning provide to support contemporary learning challenges at the post-secondary, high-school, and vocational and industrial training levels? These challenges, which include inclusive education, student wellbeing, student accessibility, disaster planning and recovery, and curriculum differentiation, align with key global challenges and concerns facing the international education community. The journal aims to explore these challenges, report on innovative ways to address them, and promote international collaborations across both disciplines and schooling levels (i.e., high school versus post-secondary levels).
We define online learning as being teaching that aligns with scholars Allen and Seaman (2014) who identify a fully online course as one that occurs more than 80 percent in the online space. Further, the learning occurs at a distance (i.e., not co-located) between teacher and students (Seaman, Allen & Allen, 2018).
Our perspective is that if you want a great student learning experience, you need to have open educational resources, (e.g., online labs, open-access resources) and have curriculum differentiation that goes beyond “online archiving” into a learning management system and consider online pedagogy to support personalization of student learning.
We look to use the journal as a platform to highlight how innovations in online education around the globe can prepare students with digital literacy skills, for global citizenship, and for future employability. The journal emphasizes what is new, innovative, and on the cutting edge in educational frontiers. We look to supply our readership with focused original papers and reviews that are part of the scholarly discourse. The journal aims to be of benefit to emerging online educators through the sharing of wisdom and practical experience. The journal is published four times per year at the outset.