As ChatGPT gains popularity, it is important to consider the significant ethical and practical issues that arise with the use of AI-enabled technologies, such as 3D printing of art, AI-generated music, text, and presentations. For instance, a single prompt to generated a 25-slide deck in just six minutes for a class. However, questions arise regarding ownership and responsibility of the content, as well as the boundaries between having a digital research assistant versus academic dishonesty. Furthermore, if ChatGPT makes mistakes (as it often does), who is accountable for correcting them (given that it can be trained)? In this time of disruption, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in reshaping the teaching-learning paradigm. It is a thought-provoking resource filled with insightful cautions, novel ideas, and compelling challenges.
Holmes, W. and Porayska-Pomsta, K. (2023). The ethics of artificial intelligence in education: Practices, challenges, and debates. London: Routledge.
Provincial Land Acknowledgement
Contact North | Contact Nord respectfully acknowledges that our work, and the work of our community partners, takes place on traditional Indigenous territories across the province.
We are grateful to be able to work and live in these territories. We are thankful to the First Nations, Métis and Inuit people who have cared for these territories since time immemorial and who continue to strengthen Ontario and all communities across the province.