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This simple yet direct, focused and helpful book summarizes the ideas and best practices of micro-learning and provides examples. Written by a Canadian, it helps distil the instructional and support strategies associated with the design, development and deployment of micro-learning, especially in a training and business environment. The focus is not on courses, but competencies.
Torgerson, C. (2016). The microlearning guide to microlearning. Durham, NC: Torgerson Consulting.
Provincial Land Acknowledgement
Contact North | Contact Nord respectfully acknowledges that our work, and the work of our community partners, takes place on traditional Indigenous territories across the province.
We are grateful to be able to work and live in these territories. We are thankful to the First Nations, Métis and Inuit people who have cared for these territories since time immemorial and who continue to strengthen Ontario and all communities across the province.