Millis, K.K., Long, D., Magliano, J. & Wiemer, K. (eds.) (2018).Deep Comprehension – Multi Disciplinary Approaches to Understanding, Enhancing and Measuring Comprehension London: Routledge.
Many instructors complain that their students “don’t get it” or are not understanding the complexity of a topic or subject. Yet, we design online courses in ways that do not encourage “deep learning” and comprehension. This book, which is a collection of chapters from a variety of different perspectives, helps focus on the ways in which we can better use online learning to promote deep learning and comprehension. Using a variety of approaches – psychological, psychometric and educational – the chapters explore ways for promoting a deeper understanding of subjects. The chapter on scenario-based assessments or the one focused on scaffolding adult learning, as well as many others, are full of practical suggestions.