When you receive an invitation from Zoom to join the Contact North | Contact Nord Zoom account, simply click the "Activate Your Zoom Account" button in the e-mail.
Select the option to "Sign Up With a Password". Once successfully signed up, select "Go to My Account" to view your profile in the Zoom Web Conferencing portal.
To log into the Contact North | Contact Nord Zoom Web Conferencing portal you will use the same login credentials you did when accessing the Zoom web portal before the switch.

The Contact North | Contact Nord Zoom Web Conferencing portal is primarily used for configuring your account settings - your profile information as well as general meeting and Zoom phone settings. Meetings can also be started and scheduled from within the portal. Click sign-in to access your account in the Zoom Web Portal.
If you do not already have the Zoom application installed, click on Download Client at the bottom of the Contact North | Contact Nord Zoom Web page and select Zoom Client for Meetings.

From the Zoom Client HOME page you can:
- Start an instant (new) meeting
- Schedule future meetings
- Join an existing meeting
- Share your screen
There is also a direct link to your next upcoming meeting (if applicable).
From the MEETINGS menu, access upcoming meetings in order to:
- Start them
- Delete them
- Edit their settings
- Copy meeting invitations
You can also access meeting recordings from within the Zoom client.
You can store your CONTACTS list in the Zoom client and there is a CHAT feature that enables connecting with your contacts outside of a Zoom meeting.
Use the Zoom Desktop Client to change settings without logging in to the Zoom web portal. From the Home menu, click on the gear icon to access settings. Or, from any screen, click on your profile icon and select Settings (you can edit your profile information and picture here).

If you wish to schedule a meeting you can do so using your preferred Calendar program either via the Zoom client/app, or directly from the Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar (using the applicable plug-in or extension available in the Download Center on the Contact North | Contact Nord Zoom web portal).

To begin a scheduled meeting, go to the Meetings menu (in either the Zoom client or the Contact North | Contact Nord Zoom web portal) and select Start. To begin an instant meeting click NEW MEETING on the home page of the Zoom client.
The meeting room will open. There are direct links to test your speaker, microphone and webcam, to share your screen, and to invite people from your contact list or via email. Meeting controls are located along the bottom of the meeting room.
If you have enabled a waiting room, you will receive notifications when participants arrive, along with the option to admit them or to view the waiting room. When you are ready to begin your meeting, be sure all participants have been admitted into the room.
Host controls allow you, as the host, to control various aspects of your Zoom meeting, such as manage the participants, enable/disable security features, and set share options.

In the Participant panel, you have access to extra controls for individual participants by hovering over individual names.
Click More > to access additional controls for individual participants.
Click on Mute All to turn everyone's microphones off.
In addition to controls for individual participants, there are also controls that apply to all participants. Access additional controls by clicking on the three dots.