Read about best practices in training and development that enable faculty to introduce and enhance online and hybrid learning for their students.
Collège Boréal
When Collège Boréal, established in 1995, moved to its main campus in Sudbury in 1997, it used videoconferencing to serve students spread across northern Ontario. Some first year courses, for the programs in its northern campuses, were transmitted through videoconferencing and then students would... Learn more about Matching Pedagogy and TechnologyLa Cité collégiale
In 2010, distance education courses and programs offered through Continuing Education at La Cité in Ottawa were re-designed to be offered online rather than through correspondence so that students would have more flexibility and interaction in their learning.Niagara College
Niagara College in Welland and Niagara-on-the-Lake has increased its emphasis on online and hybrid learning in the past few years in order to promote student success and accessibility, improve the digital competency of students and faculty, increase the choice of locations for learning, and provide... Learn more about Learning by DoingHumber College
The Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Toronto currently has about 425 online courses in its database, with about 250 sections (some courses may be offered more than once) offered each semester. The courses are largely within the diploma and degree programs; registrations in... Learn more about Serving Students and FacultyFleming College
Innovation in online learning is taking place across Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough as professors initiate courses that are enhanced by, and offered entirely, through digital media. As the College works to develop a broader digital learning strategy, faculty, in cooperation with... Learn more about Before, During, and After ClassBrock University
The Centre for Adult Education and Community Outreach (CAECO) in the Faculty of Education at Brock University in St. Catharines offers part-time programs leading to a Bachelor of Education in Adult Education and a Certificate in Adult Education. Students may take the courses online or face-to-face... Learn more about Facilitator Community of Practice